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International Collaborations 

Toan Khuc, Psy.D

Lecturer at HNUE 

           School Psychologist, Behavior Analyst 

Ines Testoni, Ph.D 

University of Padua | UNIPD · Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology FISPPA


Brondolo, E., Pan, C., August, P., Sundaram, V., Norful, A., Simons, R., Mikrut, E., and Miele, A. (2023, Sept.). Assessing frontline clinician well-being and burnout over the course of the first year of COVID-19. Invited keynote address for the Association for Death and Dying DDD16 conference, Padua, Italy.


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School Psychology Program

Hanoi National University of Education


Project Director: Toan Khuc, Psy.D.​

Project Coordinators: Alexandra Spinelli, MA and Luke Keating, MA


Educational programs in Vietnam are undergoing tremendous change as they respond to Vietnam’s tremendous economic growth and modernization. Teachers and students face stressors from multiple sources as they accommodate new demands. The aim of this project is to understand sources of workplace stress, including noise pollution, and their relationship to teacher well-being.

Working closely with faculty from HNUE, Dr. Toan Khuc, CHIRP Fellows Luke Keating and Alexandra Spinelli are developing surveys to examine these issues in teachers throughout Vietnam.


Currently, we have collected over 2,000 surveys from teachers in Vietnam!

Masters in Death Studies Program

University of Padua


Principal Investigator: Ines Testoni, Ph.D., University of Padua

Italy was the initial European epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. To understand the effects of the pandemic on healthcare providers in Italy, we initiated a study on processes leading to burnout among frontline health care providers in Italy at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. The studies investigate the role of COVID-19 caseloads, moral injury, and dehumanization, and examine other social demographic and personal factors which may serve to buffer the stress of the pandemic. Working with a team led by Dr. Ines Testoni of the University of Padua, CHIRP Fellows led by Luke Keating and Alexandra Spinelli are identifying research questions, conducting analyses and develop presentations and papers.   The first paper examining the relations of moral injury and dehumanization to the mental health of healthcare providers in Italy was recently published (Testoni et al 2022). 

Three posters from this project have won citation awards at National conferences and Student Research day (link).

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