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Dr. Brondolo is the founder and director of the Collaborative Health Integration Research Program. She is a Professor of Psychology at St. John's University in Queens, New York, and a member of the faculty in the Department of Family Medicine at JHMC and affiliate faculty and NYP-Queens. 


Dr. Brondolo and her students conduct programmatic, mechanistic research aimed at understanding the effects of adverse social conditions on health through a biopsychosocial lens.  


The research has examined the role of the social context, including the effects of discrimination, poverty, work stress, and health care delivery on health. The research employs a variety of methodologies, including ambulatory monitoring and ecological momentary assessment, to bring the “lab to the field”.


Dr. Brondolo’s research has been funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health, National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, the American Heart Association, and other organizations. She has been a permanent member of several study sections, including Mechanisms of Emotions Stress and Health and the Clinical Trials review for NHLBI. 


Dr. Brondolo is recognized as an expert in the study of discrimination. She chaired a task force on discrimination and health for the APA Division 38 Health Disparities committee, for which she developed a website disseminating the state of the science on discrimination and health. She served on the Steering Committee on Health Disparities for the APA and was Chair of the Working Group on Stress and Health Disparities which produced a widely disseminated report ( In 2015, she won the Patricia Barchas Award from the American Psychosomatic Society for her work in sociophysiology. 


Dr. Brondolo is also an active clinician specializing in the treatment of bipolar disorder, PTSD, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

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